FYI (Note: The origin of this information may be internal or external to Novell. Novell makes every effort within its means to verify this information. However, the information provided in this document is FOR YOUR INFORMATION only. Novell makes no explicit or implied claims as to the validity of this information.) TITLE: BATCH PROGRAMMING DOCUMENT ID#: FYI-M-1118 DATE: 10FEB93 PRODUCT: DR DOS PRODUCT VERSION: 6.0 SUPERSEDES: 13OCT92 SYMPTOM: WRITING A BATCH PROGRAM THAT CAN EXECUTE MULTIPLE TIMES & PERFORM IT'S DEFINED TASK ONLY ONCE ISSUE/PROBLEM: Batch programming capabilities were recently changed. These changes became effective with COMMAND.COM files dated after 4/7/92. The latest COMMAND.COM is available via CompuServe or the Novell DSG Host BBS at 408-649-3443. SOLUTION: This document contains a sample batch file that makes use of the changes contained in the updated COMMAND.COM. This sample file demonstrates the creation of a batch program that can be executed a number of times but will perform the defined task only once a day. 1. Create a file called DTFRCMP.TXT that contains the current date information by typing the following from the command line: C:\>DATE >DTFRCMP.TXT Press the Enter key twice to be returned to the prompt. 2. Create a file called CR using the EDITOR (EDITOR.EXE). This file will contain a carriage return. To create this file: a. Type EDITOR CR at the command prompt b. When prompted, "do you wish to create a new file?" Type Y. c. You will then be in the EDITOR. Enter a carriage return by pressing the ENTER key once. d. Save the file by holding the CTRL key down and then typing KX. 3. Create the main batch file that performs the daily routine. a. From the command prompt (C:\>) type: EDITOR TEST.BAT b. When prompted, "do you wish to create a new file?" Type Y. c. Proceed to type the following lines (creating the file): @ECHO OFF REM This logs the date information into a file. DATE INF.TXT REM This compares the preexisting date information REM with the date information that was just created. REM It creates a file with this information. COMP INF.TXT DTFRCMP.TXT >CMP.RZT REM This looks for the word "failure" in the created REM text file. (This would be an indication that the REM files are the same if "failure" was not found)... REM Thus telling us that this batch file has already REM been run today. REM It pipes the results into a file. FIND "FAILURE" CMP.RZT >DECIDER.TXT REM If "failure" was found, then the file that was REM created will have a file size. If it was not REM found then it will have a zero byte file size. REM This will try to copy the file to another file. REM If the original file is a zero byte file then REM this procedure will fail because the COPY REM command cannot copy a zero byte file. COPY DECIDER.TXT FINAL.TXT >NUL REM This checks to see if the final file was created. REM If it was not, then the daily routine will be REM bypassed...this batch file has already been run today. IF NOT EXIST FINAL.TXT GOTO FINAL REM If this section has been reached, then the batch REM file has not been run today and it is going to REM execute the once-a-day command that it is intended REM to execute. This can be any command of your choosing REM as long as it works from the DOS prompt. The one that REM has been chosen here is a command that copies the REM config.sys file to a filename called ITWORKED.SYS. :COPY COPY C:\CONFIG.SYS C:\ITWORKED.SYS >NUL ECHO Executing once-a-day routine... REM This creates a new date-comparison file so that the REM next time that this batch file is run it will see REM that it has already been run today. COPY INF.TXT DTFRCMP.TXT >NUL REM This deletes the final comparison file that was created REM today. DEL FINAL.TXT REM This cleans up all of the extra files and exits. :END DEL INF.TXT DEL CMP.RZT DEL DECIDER.TXT EXIT REM This tells you that it has already been run today. :FINAL echo Daily routine has already been run today. GOTO END If TEST.BAT is executed many times daily, it will create the file ITWORKED.SYS just once a day. NOTE: If you attempt to run this batch file on the same day that it was created a message will be returned that this routine has already been run today. This is because the information in the DTFRCMP.TXT file is the same as the current day's date. If you wish to test it on the same day that the file was created, you will have to change the date using the date command. This file can be incorporated in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file to execute every time the computer is turned on. To do this, use the EDITOR and add the following line just before the line :DRDOSEND: CALL TEST.BAT Some possible uses of such a batch file would be running a daily virus scan, system diagnostics or the disk optimizer.